Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blog Header Explanation

I found a text that I like, it was Angel, downloaded it.  Then I typed "Isaac's Blog", I then used the gradient tool to color the text a faded blue. I then found a cool picture for my background, it was a lightning ball thing. I then used a Texture filter on the background. Then I used the burn tool to darken the area of the background behind the text.  Then I used a bevel and emboss on the text. Then I added an inner shadow to the text. Then I added an outer glow to the text that was similar to the background color.  Last I added a texture effect to the text with rocks.


Rylee said...

i have to say, the way u explained how you did your header was pretty funny. lol. actually it looks pretty legit.

Tanner Call said...

The font is really cool and works with the lightning and brick background really well.

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Movie Banner

Movie Banner
Banner for the movie 300.

Modified by Vin